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astrological psychology and the horoscope

Astrology and the Horoscope

Astrological Psychology and the Horoscope

Astrological Psychology is a branch of psychology which uses Astrology as a diagnostic tool, a method to self-discovery, to help us understand ourselves and others better. Its purpose is to increase the understanding of ourselves and others and give us a clearer idea of our life path and potential. It offers a holistic approach to live a more free, happy and creative live.

Astrology measures time, but not quantity (how long, Chronos), but time-quality (Kairos).
The literal meaning of "horoscope" is to look into the hour. A chart is a symbolic representation of time quality. A horoscope is a time- / location equation, a symbolic measure for the arrangement of the representatives of the primary principles in relation to a specific instant of time. It comprises contents that come into manifestation at the time.

The horoscope or birth chart is a celestial diagram or picture, a map and symbol for you and your life curriculum, it measures and presents, nothing else. It does not do anything, just as a thermometer only measures the heat in a room, but does not produce it. A chart is like a snapshot of the positions of the planets (including Sun, Moon, Moon Node) in our solar system as they appeared at the time and in the location of your birth. The task of the astrologer is to decipher this symbol. Anything you read about your horoscope, for example, in magazines and newspapers, is just an interpretation of this diagram someone (or in most cases a computer) has made. It is always limited to the knowledge and perspective of the one interpreting the chart. Astrology does not say that planets exert any causal influence on you. Analog to the order of the planets (= representatives of primary principles) in the sky at the time and in the place of your birth, the forces symbolized by the planets are constellate themselves in you. Your horoscope describes the raw material you have available, your potential. It is what you start off with.

Your personality has different aspects such as your feelings, your rational mind, your will and others. The different aspects are like actors staging the play of life. Astrology describes the actors, their qualities and how they act together. Astrology does not say anything about the play being acted. You are the one determining the direction, using your free will. Our freedom is to have consciousness and be able to learn. If someone refuses to learn and gain any self-awareness, he will simply remain in the position he started off.

Bruno Huber, Gründer der Huber Methode

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